UNISON model HIV policy
Last updated:Model policy to support workers living with HIV
Model policy to support workers living with HIV
Becoming the first country to end new HIV cases by 2030
Looking at the potential of STPs to support better integration of HIV services
A community statement
How NHS overseas visitors charges apply to migrants and asylum seekers in England.
A case study from England
A policy briefing concerning an extensive outbreak of HIV amongst people who inject drugs in Glasgow.
A look into the impact of National AIDS Trust from 2015 - 2017
A guide for journalists on correctly reporting HIV, ensuring fair and non-stigmatising media coverage.
A declaration on "Whole Person Care" in HIV care and support.
Briefing by the NAT (National AIDS Trust), August 2017, in response to ‘The National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) (Amendment) Regulations 2017’ which will further deter undocumented
migrants from accessing healthcare and could have serious consequences for public health, all at a greater cost to the NHS.