UNISON model HIV policy
Last updated:Model policy to support workers living with HIV
Model policy to support workers living with HIV
Becoming the first country to end new HIV cases by 2030
A study of where young MSM learn about sex, relationships and HIV
This guide is for commissioners of sexual health, reproductive health and HIV services in local government, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and NHS England.
A guide about the two main disability benefits that people living with HIV can claim
Examining spending on primary HIV prevention and additional HIV testing
Information for People Living with HIV
Toolkit providing practical guidance for delivering HIV testing services to improve public health outcomes and reduce inequalities.
Briefing, providing advice for healthcare and voluntary sector professionals, explores the Home Office’s HIV Dispersal Guidelines
Report reviewing the wide range of policy issues relevant to HIV and black African communities
MEDFASH report exploring work carried out by MEDFASH with the Greater Manchester Sexual Health Network piloting a process for engagement of stakeholders to ensure the local delivery of the national Halve It goals
A guide by National AIDS Trust and National HIV Nurses Association (NHIVNA) on providing medical evidence for benefits applications.