NAT wanted to gain an overview of what we know about stigma reduction interventions from the academic and non-academic literature, with the aim of finding evidence of effective interventions.
In the summer of 2015 NAT issued a call for evidence to the wider HIV sector. This was distributed through NAT’s Policy Network of 150 organisations across the UK, and further in Europe through the European Civil Society Forum on HIV.
Respondents were asked to provide information on known interventions and available evidence of their effectiveness. This alerted NAT to a number of interventions not otherwise covered in the academic literature. Academic literature was identified through an internet search, recommendations and use of bibliographies from identified sources.
NAT also spoke to individuals who had led on anti-stigma campaigns to gain more detailed information on their design, delivery and evidence of success.
This report provides an overview of what works when trying to combat stigma, as well as a set of recommendations for future policy and practice.