UNISON model HIV policy
Last updated:Model policy to support workers living with HIV
Model policy to support workers living with HIV
Understanding the impact
A briefing paper from National AIDS Trust
A consultation response from National AIDS Trust
Improving NHS talking therapy services for people living with HIV in England
Together with research agency BritainThinks, we surveyed over 3,000 people across the country and ran six focus groups to find out what the general public knows and thinks about HIV.
Presented at the 5th Joint Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA) with the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) 19-21 April 2021 by Tamara Manuel
Briefing paper from National AIDS Trust, Terrence Higgins Trust and The Love Tank, April 2021
Case studies exploring local responses to HIV stigma in the police
Joint statement from the British HIV Association (BHIVA), British Association of Sexual Health and HIV(BASHH), NAT (National AIDS Trust), Terrence Higgins Trust, and HIV Scotland