Why we need HIV support services

This report looks at the continuing need for HIV support services in England.

Why-We-Need-HIV-Support-Services.pdf.pdf (1.6MB)

In preparation for this report NAT surveyed the views of the 32 larger HIV support service providers in the UK, and the views of HIV clinicians. Three focus groups were held to inform our thinking.

The case for commissioning support services for people with HIV is overwhelmingly strong – support services which complement specialised HIV clinical care. HIV support services are still needed and accessed by a majority of people with HIV. They are an essential part of the HIV care pathway and commissioners have an obligation to ensure these services are in place to meet those needs.

HIV specialist provision continues to be necessary to provide many of these support services if they are to be of a quality and expertise to secure trust and good outcomes.

The HIV community sector is a precious local asset and resource which should be supported and fostered.