Trans* people and HIV

How can policy work improve HIV prevention, treatment and care for trans* people in the UK?

Trans-people-and-HIV.pdf.pdf (3.9MB)

To help overcome the erasure of trans* people in the context of HIV prevention, treatment and care, NAT has conducted a scoping exercise to:

1. identify what is already known – and not known – about trans* people and HIV in the UK, in relation to both the likely elevated risk of acquiring HIV and the experience of living with HIV as a trans* person

2. clarify what scope there could be for NAT to contribute though our policy work to improvements in HIV prevention, treatment and care for trans* people in the UK.

NAT commits to maintain links with trans* communities and co-produce policy work where possible, promote trans* visibility and proactively challenge obstacles to trans* equality and stigma, advocate for resources to be made available to trans* organisations and contribute to the development of a trans*-specific research agenda.