MEDFASH: National Clinical Audit of STIs and HIV: Feasibility Study Report

A report detailing the key findings of a one-year study, which explored the scope and feasibility of a national clinical audit (NCA) of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV

National-Clinical-Audit-of-STIs-and-HIV-Feasibility-Study-Report.pdf.pdf (1.7MB)

MEDFASH was an independent charity dedicated to improving the quality of HIV and sexual healthcare that ran from 1987 to 2016. National AIDS Trust is pleased to host the archive of MEDFASH’s reports and publications.

In 2014, MEDFASH (Medical Foundation for HIV and Sexual Health) was commissioned by the
Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) to undertake a one-year feasibility study to
inform a NCA of services providing healthcare for people with STIs and/or HIV. This was to be carried out in collaboration with Public Health England (PHE), the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) and the British HIV Association (BHIVA). The remit was to define a scope for an achievable and impactful NCA, which would drive improvements in the quality of care provided to patients with HIV, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and/or syphilis.