One Parliament Left , produced in collaboration with expert charities, doctors’ groups and public health professionals, is the HIV and Sexual Health Manifesto for the General Election 2024. The Manifesto calls on the new Parliament for the following six actions to ensure the UK achieves zero HIV transmissions by 2030:
- an expansion of opt-out HIV testing
- the introduction of a national one-stop-shop online PrEP, HIV and STI postal testing service
- the creation of a national re-engagement programme for people living with HIV who are not in care
- the provision of year-on-year, above inflation public authority health grant funding
- the development of a national sexual health strategy
- justice for those impacted by the contaminated blood scandal
This manifesto is a clear call from the HIV and sexual health sector. As charities, doctors’ groups and public health professionals we are united and committed to work with government, the NHS, and all partners to take forward these top priorities on HIV and sexual health.