Young Gay Men Let Down by Scrapping of Compulsory Sex and Relationship Education

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Clauses in the Children, Schools and Families Bill dropped in the pre-election ‘wash-up’

Yesterday clauses in the Children, Schools and Families Bill were dropped in the pre-election ‘wash-up’. This means proposals for compulsory sex and relationship education for students in England have been scrapped.
Deborah Jack, Chief Executive of NAT (National AIDS Trust), comments;

“A new generation of young gay men have been let down by the decision not to proceed with making sex and relationship education compulsory in schools.

Young gay men are the group of young people most at risk of getting HIV. New HIV diagnoses amongst this group have doubled in the past decade. Yet schools do not have to acknowledge same-sex relationships in their teaching or talk about HIV outside biology lessons.

Over 100 MPs from across all parties recently signed an early day motion asking for the Government to ensure teachers have support and information to be able to talk confidently and sensitively about sexual health in order to meet the needs of all young people including young gay men. Compulsory sex and relationship education in schools would have been the best way of achieving this.

The next Government must now make it a priority to introduce compulsory sex and relationships education and to ensure young gay men are given the information they need to protect their sexual health.”