Sex and relationships education in schools

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NAT welcomes compulsory sex and relationships education in schools… but asks what about same sex relationships?

Today the Department of Children Schools and Families releases recommendations for compulsory sex and relationships education in schools.
Deborah Jack, Chief Executive of NAT, comments:

“Finally the DCSF has put forward sensible suggestions for compulsory sex and relationship education in schools. It is vital that the Government acts on these recommendations.

“Whilst some people may be nervous of these proposals, it is important to remember that STIs, including HIV, are on the rise among young people in the UK. HIV is a serious long-term condition and it is vital our young people are armed with the information they need to protect themselves.

“The next step is to decide what exactly is taught in the curriculum. This should include talking about same sex relationships. With HIV diagnoses amongst young gay men at an all time high it is more important than ever that sex and relationships education is relevant to them. The Government must ensure teachers have the support and information to be able to talk confidently and sensitively about same sex relationships.”