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Martine de Schutter from the Dutch sexual health and HIV organisation Aids Fonds was one of the victims of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17. NAT wishes to pay tribute to a tireless and inspiring colleague who has been for many years central to improving the response to HIV across the European region. NAT was one of the founder members in 2004 of AIDS Action Europe (AAE), the pan-European network of HIV NGOs. From the outset Martine de Schutter was the committed organiser of AIDS Action Europe and later of AAE’s support to the European Commission’s HIV/AIDS Civil Society Forum. She made an immense contribution to developing a genuine community of HIV activism across Europe which bore fruit in an improved response to HIV both by the EU and by countries of the European region.
Yusef Azad, Director of Policy and Campaigns at NAT, said, ‘At this time of deep sadness NAT wishes to extend our condolences to Martine’s family and friends and remember a dear colleague with whom we worked closely for many years and who will be greatly missed. She combined great drive and efficiency, and a refusal to be beaten by bureaucracy and administrative hurdles, with a passion for justice and for an effective response to HIV in Europe and across the world. She was also a wonderful person to spend time with and be around. We won’t forget her example and we will always remember her.’