NAT statement on Nadja Benaissa sentence for HIV transmission

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In response to today’s verdict and sentence in Germany on Nadja Benaissa for HIV transmission, Deborah Jack, Chief Executive of NAT, said:

The trial in Germany of Nadja Benaissa for criminally transmitting HIV has attracted worldwide attention.
NAT does not condone placing a sexual partner at risk of HIV without that partner’s consent. But there is no evidence that criminal prosecutions do anything to prevent such behaviour. We would do far better focussing on reducing the stigma in society which silences discussion of HIV and on increasing condom use and a sense of reponsibility for our own and our partners’ sexual health.

NAT regrets that this case ever went to court but hopes that the debate it has prompted will encourage renewed effort by society as a whole to reduce HIV transmission rather than the blaming and scapegoating of individuals.’