NAT respond to new HIV statistics from HPA.

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Deborah Jack, Chief Executive of NAT (National AIDS Trust), comments:
‘The figures show a worrying increase in diagnoses of heterosexuals infected with HIV in the UK, so it is crucial for us to step up our efforts on public education and awareness to tackle this. This is important not just among African communities who have high rates of HIV, but among the public more generally.

‘But last year also saw the highest ever number of new HIV diagnoses among gay and bisexual men – a clear reminder of the importance of continuing prevention activities aimed at them. This will be a particular challenge with new public health arrangements devolving more decisions on HIV prevention to a local level.

‘The statistics also show a further increase in the number and proportion of over 50s who are HIV positive. This is because people living with HIV are living longer and people are also getting HIV later in life. These statistics highlight the importance of people working in HIV prevention taking into account the needs of all age groups. Services aimed at older people also need to ensure that staff are aware and informed about HIV.’