Government’s call for views on relationships and sex education – NAT response

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The Department for Education have asked parents and young people for input as they gather views on what should be covered when relationships and sex education (RSE) become mandatory in all schools. Guidelines for schools were last updated in 2000.

Deborah Gold, Chief Executive of NAT (National AIDS Trust) said: “Making RSE compulsory for schools was an important first step. It’s now critical that the content of those lessons is right and meets the needs of all young people. This is a vital opportunity to hear the voices of those who are often excluded from the content of RSE at school. Three quarters of young gay and bisexual men report never being taught to about same sex relationships in school, and three in five did not know that they should be testing for HIV annually. Further, there is currently no requirement to teach children about gender variance. These exclusions have a direct impact on young people’s health, wellbeing and empowerment as they embark on relationships now and in the future. It’s time to set this right.”