Campaigners to SHout loud about sexual health

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Six leading sexual health and HIV organisations are launching SHout loud (Sexual Health out loud)

On September 18, six leading sexual health and HIV organisations are launching SHout loud (Sexual Health out loud), a website which enables the general public, community groups and campaigners to have their say about sexual health, contraception and HIV services in England.
The new site, launching during sexual health week, is a joint initiative by the African HIV Policy Network, Brook, fpa, the Medical Foundation for AIDS (MedFASH) and Sexual Health, NAT (National AIDS Trust) and Terrence Higgins Trust. Visitors type in their postcode to receive local data about sexual health, find out if sexual health is a priority in their area and can use the site to take action by contacting key decision-makers.

Everyone who is interested in sexual health will be encouraged to get involved from young people, to those living with or affected by HIV to anyone who feels it’s an issue worth shouting about.

Teenage pregnancy rates are high across particular areas in England, one in 12 young people has chlamydia and more people are living with HIV than ever before. Individuals and community groups will be encouraged to get in touch with their MP, Primary Care Trust (PCT) and local authority to demonstrate that these issues matter to them and to try and ensure that sexual health, HIV and contraception services get the attention and funding they deserve.

Sophie Robinson, SHout loud project officer said “Some people are embarrassed to talk about sexual health, which often means that they don’t express their views about local services to help them improve. The SHout loud website gives people the opportunity to show that sexual health issues really matter to them and to campaign for support and investment. If you care about the subject, sign up now and get your voice heard.”

Getting local people engaged and involved in campaigning on local healthcare priorities is essential, especially during a recession when resources are limited.