Ending HIV stigma

We can't end the HIV epidemic until we put a stop to HIV stigma.

  • Published: 03/10/2024

Everyone has a role in ending HIV stigma.

HIV stigma must end so that everyone can live their lives free of harm, prejudice, and discrimination.

We challenge stigma and discrimination wherever it is, through advocating with individuals who experience unfair and unlawful treatment, encouraging organisations and healthcare settings to be inclusive, and shaping public policy to be in line with the realities of life with HIV today.

How are we helping to end HIV stigma?

HIV Confident

HIV Confident is a partnership between National AIDS Trust and Positively UK, supported by Fast Track Cities London. The charter mark aims to reduce HIV stigma in member organisations, who commit to ensuring that people living with HIV can access their services, and work for them, without fear of discrimination.

Media reporting

Stories in the media can have a positive or a negative effect on awareness and understanding of HIV. We believe in responsible media reporting, and provide practical information on how to accurately report on HIV, as well as holding any stigmatising or inaccurate reporting to account.

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