Components test page 2

  • Published: 06/09/2023

This is a one column accordion component

With summary

Panel number one text is here. We don’t want to add limitations to the user regardless of best practice as we can consult on that – so here are all the abilities of this WYSIWYG

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Paragraph content with bold and itallic, left aligned.

Paragraph content with bold and itallic, underlined, striken with sub1 and superscript1 centre aligned.

Paragraph content with bold and itallic, right aligned.

Paragraph content with bold and itallic, justified. Paragraph content with bold and itallic, justified.Paragraph content with bold and itallic, justified. Paragraph content with bold and itallic, justified. Paragraph content with bold and itallic, justified.Paragraph content with bold and itallic, justified.

Block quote content with bold and itallic using formats on the WYSIWYG. Block quote content with bold and itallic using formats on the WYSIWYG.

Could this be a button?

Is this a link?

What about tables? No thanks
Are you sure? Ok then

Does the anchor work?

Panel number two is to test added media




CTA with default colour, no image

This is the summary

Read our About us version 2

2 column accordion with default background

CTA with secondary colour, no summary, no image

Sample Page
Buzz buzz

CTA with default bckg and image

Sumary goes here sumary goes here sumary goes here sumary goes here sumary goes here sumary goes here sumary goes here sumary goes here s.

Updates listing
This is a quote with default background, attribution, no image and attribution link. This is a quote with default background, attribution, no image and attribution link. This is a quote with default background, attribution, no image and attribution link.
Anna, testing HC3
This is a quote with secondary background, attribution, no image and no attribution link. This is a quote with secondary background, attribution, no image and no attribution link.
Also Anna, testing HC3
older man with glasses and badges
This is a quote with default background, no attribution, image and attribution link.

This is a downloads component with default backround

We're using a summary here, with some files and different labels

This is a downloads component wihout summary and using secondary bckg

bee bee bee

Our own media block with default bckg and left alignment

If we had a summary, the summary would go here. If we had a summary, the summary would go here. If we had a summary, the summary would go here. If we had a summary, the summary would go here. If we had a summary, the summary would go here. If we had a summary, the summary would go here.
About us version 2
Play video

Secondary background, right alignment, no summary, video

Play video

Default, left, portrait video no transcript link

I'm a summary, read me please. I'm a summary, read me please. I'm a summary, read me please. I'm a summary, read me please. I'm a summary, read me please. I'm a summary, read me please. I'm a summary, read me please.
Sample Page
This is a URL embed

Above should be a juicer embed (HTML embed)

Above is audio embed with a Spotify URL

Soundcloud embed
Youtube embed component above – this is the caption
Video embed component – this is the caption
Vimeo embed component – this is the caption

[juicer name=”test-feeds-60097fd2-715f-41c6-9d76-f4bc9e383027″]

Complaints and feedback

To make a complaint or provide feedback, please complete this form


Default background

Secondary background

Default background, summary and all the trimmings

This is a self-selection component, choose wisely!

Secondary background, as little as possible