Would you invest a minimum of £2,500 a year, or £200 a month to help stamp out HIV stigma once and for all?
Much has changed since the the first deaths from AIDS-related illnesses in the early 1980s.
Effective prevention and treatment are now freely available, freeing us from the cloud of fear of those early days. We can see an end to new cases by 2030. But the battle is far from over. People living with HIV continue to be viewed negatively and discrimination remains rife. Our community are more likely to live in poverty, be unemployed, be lonely and experience mental ill health.
We still fight daily for equality. Equality at work, in education, when we access to products and services, in care homes, and even in healthcare. We tackle this head-on, going straight to the heart of the issues, changing policies, practices, laws and public opinion.
Established in 1987, the National AIDS Trust has been the driving force behind many ground-breaking successes, working hard, often behind the scenes, to make significant changes.
Our 100 Club champions support these victories and are on the inside track with us, creating systemic change. Will you join this special club?
I find it difficult to believe that in this day and age that there is still stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV. National AIDS Trust are getting the message out there about tackling stigma and that is why I donate to them. Stigma and discrimination will die out – the question is how long before it does.– Roger, National AIDS Trust donor
Our expertise, research and advocacy secure the leadership, resources and focus to make sustainable change for everyone living with or at risk of HIV. We act as a catalyst and work closely with allies, maximising our impact.
For example, we are the reason:
- PrEP, the HIV prevention medication, is available for free on the NHS.
- Pre-employment health questionnaires are illegal – so employers can’t decide whether to offer a job based on HIV status.
- HIV is recognised as a disability, leading to a host of legal protections.
- Welfare benefit assessments take account of fluctuating conditions such as HIV.
- The NHS and Home Office no longer share HIV data for immigration tracing purposes.
- More new mothers can access free formula milk to avoid HIV transmission.
Will you join the 100 Club today?
By joining the 100 Club, you will be on the inside track of change. We’ll work closely with you to give you key ‘behind the scenes’ information and share the insider knowledge of how we are changing policies and practices to create systemic change. You’ll be the first to hear about our successes, from policy and influencing experts.
You’ll also get early access to our reports and publications, invites to events, and networking opportunities with your fellow 100 Club supporters.
We’ll thank you publicly on our website and in our annual accounts unless you’d prefer your support to remain confidential.
Please contact our Partnerships and Philanthropy Specialist, Chris Dye for more information.
Download our The 100 Club – Case for support.